New technologies inspire us. We have been pioneers in deploying face recognition systems to various business situations. From customer service to security services, happiness centers to identity tracking, we work with integrating our tools with existing legacy systems to make it smarter.


Change the way business is carried out.
Add a personal touch to everything that you do.
Tailor-make things for your customer.

Microsoft Cognitive Services expands on Microsoft’s evolving portfolio of machine learning APIs and enables to easily add intelligent features – such as emotion and video detection; facial, speech and vision recognition; and speech and language understanding – into existing applications.

Our Project named inTACT explores these capabilities using our expertise for more personal computing experiences and enhanced productivity aided by systems that increasingly can see, hear, speak, understand and even begin to reason.

Face Detection, Recognition and Emotion Sensing
The Cognitive APIs are cloud-based services that provide the most advanced face algorithms. Face API has two main functions: face detection with attributes and face recognition. Face recognition is widely used in many scenarios including security, natural user interface, image content analysis and management, mobile apps, and robotics.

Four face recognition functions are provided: face verification, finding similar faces, face grouping, and personal identification. Face API verification performs an authentication against two detected faces or authentication from one detected face to one person object. Emotion API allows you to build more personalized apps with Microsoft’s cutting-edge cloud-based emotion recognition algorithm. The Emotion API beta takes an image as an input, and returns the confidence across a set of emotions for each face in the image, as well as the bounding box for the face, from the Face API. The emotions detected are happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, contempt, disgust or neutral. These emotions are communicated cross-culturally and universally via the same basic facial expressions, where are identified by Emotion API.

Deployed in Project inTACT
Face Detection Face Recognition
Emotion Sensing Speaker Identification
Speech Recognition Crowd Analysis

inTACT easily finds way to:
Government offices
Educational Institutions
Events & Exhibitions
Retail & Showrooms
Police & Security
Public transport stations

Implementation Architecture
Data: Azure (recommended) / on-premise
API: Face API, Emotion API, Speech Recognition
IoT Device
Analytics: Power BI
High-resolution Camera
High-speed internet connectivity

Data: Azure (recommended) / on premise
API: Face API, Emotion API, Speech Recognition

The Cognitive tool can work standalone or in conjunction with an existing system. The implementation scenarios differ with the situation and need. If you need a proposal - technical, financial or proof of concept, on a specific implementation scenario, feel free to contact our Biz-Value-Add team.